Saturday 17 February 2007

Do we pay MONEY for good deeds?????

i heard this from someone close to me... She was being extorted by someone she knew for lending her a helping hand. LIke should we 'pay' good deeds??? Do we demand payment of good deeds. Honestly, I think this is something really BAD... like argh... i can't say it... asking money in return for a good deed you did is of bad taste... macam rasuah tah pulang. Like kalau inda ikhlas, why help....

i don;t think we should help people untuk minta balasan. Apa kan tu? Dalam islam sendiri, kitani di ajar untuk ikhlas dan mengikhlasi segala2 yang kitani buat... macam mana orang ani sanggup buat macam atu arah orang yang dikenalinya lama ani... i cannot understand. Ada jua rasa kan cakap "inda tau malu"...

paham kamu apa nie?? this is EXTORTION!! who is going to say when she is going to stop collecting?? For clarity sake, let me give example... macam, i was helped by Mr A in school, to get good grades, learn facts etc. When i passed an exam, with high score, and went off to do well for myself, he came back and said, its because of me you are where you are today. and because of that, i demand that you give me something for my good deed. Give me money. Buy me expensive things.

So you give in, and you give him what he wanted. but who is going to say that he would not ask for more next year. and if you do not give him anything, he probably would spread vicious rumours that you are an ungrateful BEAST! and so you should give less... that you would be accused of not appreciating the help extended....

WHEN would it STOP. The BIGGEST question of all is... SHOULD WE pay good deeds with MONEY!!!

i say not.... we thank them, we thank the opportunity given to us to, we thank god for how we turn up, but we turn the we turn because of how we make full use of the opportunities given to us... yes we are thankful, but without hardwork, we could not and would not achieve success... and so.... do we PAY MONEY to those extending us a helping hand???

Do tell me what you think... I am quite ANGRY that this person did what she did... but then again, this is my personal opinion. what do you all think... opinions? let me knnow...


dr.rin said...

My god, who's this person being extorted? And the answer to the question is most definitely NO!!! Good deeds should of course only be done with good intentions, no monetary rewards required. Whoever thinks otherwise really needs to get his (or in this case) HER head checked! If you want money in return for a favour, you should state that fact BEFORE you do it so that the other party knows what they're getting into! Teruk jua some people in this world! But then again, you see this kind of thing happen all the time, in politics, for example. Anyway, I think if a person unknowingly ends up in such a situation, I think it is best to NOT give the money and ignore all the vicious rumours being spread. People love to gossip but gossip only last a short period until another juicy one comes about. And the person spreading the rumours would sooner or later give up since no amount of bad gossip is going to make you change your mind, and plus, the person will slowly end up looking like the baddie SHE is! And if she gets physically violent, you report the situation to the police! Habis cerita! It IS hard not to let the situation bother you but bersabarlah. Insyallah, everything will right itself in time.

Unknown said...

Wah mel..exciting jua blog meela ani.... my god... teruk jua orang atu.... inda ikhlas kali ia help atu..... eeee nauzubillah... i dont want to meet that person.... inda tau malu jua orang atu... i bet ia ani memang orang yang suka meminta..... inda tau malu habis jua eh.....

tapi i also believe this type of people mesti inda hidup senang... coz ia nda ikhlas bila menolong.... i bet you.... they may live in luxury.... but they are not happy... you know god is fair..... you aniaya orang.... you will be unish for it....

tell your fren just report that person to the police.... serves he/she right..... i would just tampar that person pulang personally and wouldnt want to associate myself to ia.....

i am disgusted and that person should be ashame of himself or herself....

Anonymous said...

i hope the person reads your blog.... have they no self dignity... disgusting...

Padian said...

Interesting i have someone named gigi dropping in a line... Hi gigi... I bet i know, but do let us know, siapa ni :)

Anyways... mooving to the topic, i am sure semua orang pernah dengar the istilah "inda sedar diri". Well... I think this applies here. If she had 'sedar' I am sure she won't do it.

What my friend decides to do, I am not sure, and that is up to her, however, i would let her know the responses from this blog!

GOD FORBID the evil woman reads my blog... and i have a feeling, even if she reads, she won't perasan its her...

but, yes... what comes round, goes round... Tuhan itu maha adil ;)

Reminiscing Part 2

Part of reminiscing is you look back on what had  happened in your life, and what a better record of my past than browsing through this blog...