Saturday, 21 July 2007


sigh... I have nothing against Weddings, but i just dislike attending.

I hate the waiting. I hate the not-doing-anything while waiting, i
hate the long queque when eating, i hate the heat, i hate almost
everything about it. I hate difficulties finding parking.
(Occasionally, i like the food)

However, I attend several weddings a year. Those are of family
members and friends. I attend these mostly without complaints :P

What can i say... Weddings and me don't go along well... oooo... one
more thing i dislike about weddings is the dressing up... and people
competing to look their bestest - hence out with the most expensive
materials, accessories and more... ARGH... is there anything good that
comes out of weddings?

Having said, that... i hate parties as well... sigh... so perhaps, I
am not a social animal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"ARGH... is there anything good that
comes out of weddings?"

Yes. There is. The union of 2 souls in a holy matrimony and reproduce.

Reminiscing Part 2

Part of reminiscing is you look back on what had  happened in your life, and what a better record of my past than browsing through this blog...