Sunday 19 June 2005

my sunday :)

Today is a very different sunday from the usual sundays i have... I spent my sunday with my family and doing absolutely NO WORK!!! Well... except surfing the internet for some stuff for 2 hours before writing this, but that is different... i was multi-tasking :P

I started the day late... lying in and reading up on my ARCHIE comics... it was really nice to be sleeping in and just doing nothing in bed... then I woke up only because i was tired lyinb in bed... I went online for a few minutes checking on my emails... then I showered and got ready to go out for my facial with my aunt...

We arrived a bit late... but that was ok.. they were very kind... The facial was only about an hour... and it was not so bad... I SLEPT again :) then, we had a small lunch... We received a text message from my sister saying that we should get together for "tea"... so... we went to do some chores and got ready to meet the others...

When we arrieved, itwas kind of cool.. the place was a bit deserted and quiet... i like that :) When the rest arrived, it was no longer quiet... he he he... i like that as well... :P We started the meet with the normal updates... and one of the updates was this dream an aunt of mine had...

She dreamt she was in Oprah's show recieving a make over... She was devestatingly self-proclaimed beautiful, but was offered botox injections to her forehead and cheeks... She agreed and was even more beautiful after that... She claimed she felt the needles puncture her skin and even described the pain.. (LIKE, its a DREAM!!!!) Anyways... soon after, she woke up but ended smiling widely and contently... because.... she was in Oprah's show... ha ha ha :P

One of my aunt (Bungsu) was unable to join us... she was said to be swollen from an allergy she developed against something... she was unsure at first but is adament its "rebung" or 'ikan masin' or 'udang'... anyways... she said, she is going to try all the food again, and to see what makes her literally swell again ;) he he he... I would have taken a picture and publicly humiliate her (wicked laugh) but i kind of forgotten my camera... everyone else didn't have any as well... sigh... of well... we can always spike her food *wink* he he he....

then... when we were together... we had a silly way of making the time pass... today, we took this game that we were supposed to answer... there was a dice, but we never used it... we kind of used the cards but made up our own rules :P he he he... On the cards are lots of questions such as "if i were a _____ what would i be?" and the one reading it will recieve lots of answers from the others and it goes on in a circle :P he he he...

"If i were a plant, what would I be?" replies: poison ivy
"If i were a job, what would i be?" replies : blowjob
"If i were a painting, what would i be?" replies: abstract because no one understands
"If i were a language, what would i be?" replies: kedayan ;)
and lots more :P sometimes we give reasons... sometimes its self explanatory....

We ended up at Bungsu's place... to visit and have pizza for dinner... we then went separate ways :) it has been a good sunday.... How was yours?

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Reminiscing Part 2

Part of reminiscing is you look back on what had  happened in your life, and what a better record of my past than browsing through this blog...